




Australia For Everyone Sydney
走完26公里長的「皇家海岸步道」(Royal Coastal Walk )要花兩天,不過你可以走幾段,淺嚐即可, 推薦新手走Bundeena到Little Marley Beach這段,對沒走過灌木叢的人而言,這段再容易也不過了,不過還是很有看頭的。這條路帶你沿著海岸線,穿越沙質紅土,濃密的灌木區及走在沙岩懸崖邊,多帶些吃的和喝的。

3件事:去Wattamolla Beach 跳水
Wild Swimming Sydney Australia

4件事:去看婚禮蛋糕石(Wedding Cake Rock)
為遊客安全起見,這塊Wedding Cake Rock已禁止進入(左下),違者罰鍰

5件事:去Garie Beach衝浪
Garie Beach by Theresa Lord


6件事:去Marley Beach放鬆身心
Marley Beach by Sidewalks
幽靜的Marley Beach有一個岩池,一條流入Marley潟湖的清溪和滔滔白浪,這是個無人巡邏的海灘,海泳時請特別小心。

7件事:去數字8岩池(Figure Eight Pool -慎入!)
Figure Eight Pool by Chilby Photography – http://www.chilby.com.au

Curracurrong Falls by Gerard Blacklock

Royal National Park位置圖及相關景點位置圖

By Jordan Kretchmer 
(譯自TimeOut Sydney 2016年3月號)

-Original Text(原文)-
Eight Things To Do at The Royal National park
Whether you want to swim, trek, picnic or just GTFO of Sydney, the Royal National Park is less than an hour’s drive from the CBD.

1. Get the ferry from Cronulla to Bundeena
While driving is the easiest way to access the Park, the ferry from Cronulla is more picturesque. A single ferry – which is Australia’s oldest commuter ferry, the ‘Curranulla’ – motors back and forth between Cronulla and Bundeena, departing on the hour, daily. Hop on and you’ll be in Bundeena in just over 20 minutes.
2. Venture along the cliffs
The full Royal coastal walk is 26 kilometres and takes two days – but you can explore portions of it to get a taste. Starting at Bundeena and walking to Little Marley Beach is a great option for first time National Park adventurers. It’s easy enough for inexperienced bushwalkers, but still offers beautiful vantage points. The route winds along the coastline, taking you over sandy red soil, through scrubby bushland and along the sandstone cliffs. Make sure you take plenty of water and a picnic.
3. Jump off the rock at Wattamolla
This lagoon is a top spot for picnicking, swimming and a (slightly terrifying) high jump off the rock. This primo spot is popular with day trippers – and unfortunately in recent times it has become a bit of a dumping ground – make sure you follow the 'leave no trace behind' ethos.
4. Ogle Wedding Cake Rock
This slice of Sydney coastline was one of the most Instagrammed spots of last summer. It may not be around forever though –  the rock is eroding.Enjoy it from a safe distance.
5. Surf Garie Beach
This beach break rolls out solid left and right waves. The north corner has good banks most of the time but you'll find it pretty crowded on weekends. Instead, stroll ten minutes south across the rocks, where you'll find an ace left point break and if you're lucky, a friendly seal.
6. Relax on Marley beach
This secluded beach has rock pools, a fresh water stream (which leads to the Marley Lagoon) and crashing waves. The beach isn't patrolled so be extra careful while swimming.
7. Visit the Figure Eight Rock Pools (with extreme caution)
 More than 50 people were injured trying to reach the rock pool in one bad day last summer. If you are going ,be smart – check the tides and swells and don't risk it if it's not safe. You can only access them at low tide.
8. Chase the Curracurrong Falls
The walk from Wattamolla to Curracurrong Falls is scenic but slightly difficult. The creek splits into two streams, each flowing off into the ocean straight over the edge of the sandstone cliff – you can see a long horsetail display as it flows into the sea.

(By Jordan Kretchmer TimeOut Sydney March 2016 No132)